List of diseases for Blicca bjoerkna
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Europe and Asia: North, Baltic, White, Black (south to Rioni drainage) and Caspian Sea basins, Atlantic basin southward to Adour drainage (France; possibly introduced southward of Loire) and Mediterranean basin in France (Hérault and Rhône drainages). In Aral, Marmara and Anatolian Black Sea basins west of Ankara. Naturally absent from Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Adriatic basin, Crimea, Great Britain (except southeast), Scandinavia north of Sundsvall (Sweden) and 65° N (Finland). Locally introduced in Spain and northeastern Italy; in France, apparently introduced in smal coastal drainages of Var.


cfm script by celloran, 12.06.07 ,  php script by celloran, 12.06.070 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 31/08/11