Species in the Black Sea

Comments on faunal list:
Area from SAU (November 2015).
     n= 205 (Complete)
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Species Name Family Habitat Length (cm) Trophic Level Status
Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Danube sturgeon Acipenseridae demersal 236.0 TL 3.3 native
Acipenser nudiventris Fringebarbel sturgeon Acipenseridae demersal 211.0 TL 3.3 native
Acipenser persicus Persian sturgeon Acipenseridae demersal 255.0 TL 3.7 native
Acipenser ruthenus Sterlet sturgeon Acipenseridae demersal 125.0 TL 3.6 native
Acipenser stellatus Starry sturgeon Acipenseridae demersal 250.0 TL 3.5 native
Acipenser sturio Sturgeon Acipenseridae demersal 600.0 TL 3.5 native
Aidablennius sphynx Blenniidae demersal 8.0 TL 2.1 native
Alburnus chalcoides Danube bleak Leuciscidae benthopelagic 40.0 TL 3.4 native
Alepes djedaba Shrimp scad Carangidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.5 native
Alopias vulpinus Thresher Alopiidae pelagic-oceanic 573.3 TL 4.5 native
Alosa caspia Caspian shad Alosidae pelagic-neritic 32.0 TL 3.5 native
Alosa fallax Twaite shad Alosidae pelagic-neritic 60.0 SL 4.0 native
Alosa immaculata Pontic shad Alosidae pelagic-neritic 39.0 SL 4.0 native
Alosa maeotica Black sea shad Alosidae pelagic-neritic 33.8 TL 4.4 native
Alosa tanaica Black Sea shad Alosidae pelagic-neritic 30.0 TL 3.7 native
Anguilla anguilla European eel Anguillidae demersal 133.0 TL 3.5 native
Aphanius fasciatus Mediterranean banded killifish Aphaniidae benthopelagic 6.8 TL 2.7 native
Aphia minuta Transparent goby Gobiidae pelagic-neritic 7.9 TL 3.1 native
Apletodon bacescui Gobiesocidae demersal 3.6 SL 3.1 native
Argyrosomus regius Meagre Sciaenidae benthopelagic 230.0 TL 4.3 native
Arnoglossus kessleri Scaldback Bothidae demersal 13.0 TL 4.1 native
Arnoglossus laterna Mediterranean scaldfish Bothidae demersal 25.0 SL 3.6 native
Arnoglossus thori Thor's scaldfish Bothidae demersal 18.0 SL 3.3 native
Atherina boyeri Big-scale sand smelt Atherinidae demersal 20.0 TL 3.2 native
Atherina hepsetus Mediterranean sand smelt Atherinidae pelagic-neritic 20.0 TL 3.2 native
Auxis rochei Bullet tuna Scombridae pelagic-neritic 50.0 FL 4.4 native
Babka gymnotrachelus Racer goby Gobiidae benthopelagic 16.2 TL 3.3 native
Balistes capriscus Grey triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 66.0 TL 4.1 native
Belone belone Garfish Belonidae pelagic-oceanic 104.0 TL 4.2 native
Belone euxini Belonidae pelagic-oceanic 65.1 TL 4.2 native
Blennius ocellaris Butterfly blenny Blenniidae demersal 20.0 TL 3.5 native
Boops boops Bogue Sparidae demersal 40.0 TL 2.8 native
Buglossidium luteum Solenette Soleidae demersal 20.0 TL 3.3 native
Callionymus fasciatus Banded dragonet Callionymidae demersal 16.5 TL 3.3 native
Callionymus lyra Dragonet Callionymidae demersal 30.5 TL 3.3 native
Callionymus pusillus Sailfin dragonet Callionymidae demersal 14.0 TL 3.3 native
Callionymus risso Risso’s dragonet Callionymidae demersal 18.2 TL 3.0 native
Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 286.0 TL 4.4 native
Caspiosoma caspium Caspian naked goby Gobiidae demersal 4.5 TL 3.3 native
Cepola macrophthalma Red bandfish Cepolidae demersal 80.0 TL 3.1 native
Chelidonichthys cuculus Red gurnard Triglidae demersal 70.0 TL 3.8 native
Chelidonichthys lucerna Tub gurnard Triglidae demersal 82.8 TL 4.0 native
Chelon auratus Golden grey mullet Mugilidae pelagic-neritic 61.0 FL 2.8 native
Chelon labrosus Thicklip grey mullet Mugilidae demersal 75.0 SL 2.6 native
Chelon ramada Thinlip grey mullet Mugilidae pelagic-neritic 70.0 TL 2.3 native
Chelon saliens Leaping mullet Mugilidae demersal 40.0 SL 2.9 native
Chromis chromis Damselfish Pomacentridae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.8 native
Chromogobius quadrivittatus Chestnut goby Gobiidae demersal 6.6 SL 3.4 native
Clupeonella cultriventris Black and Caspian Sea sprat Ehiravidae pelagic-neritic 14.5 TL 3.0 native
Conger conger European conger Congridae demersal 300.0 TL 4.3 native
Coregonus lavaretus European whitefish Salmonidae demersal 73.0 TL 3.1 introduced
Coris julis Mediterranean rainbow wrasse Labridae reef-associated 30.0 SL 3.4 native
Coryphoblennius galerita Montagu's blenny Blenniidae demersal 7.6 SL 2.0 native
Ctenolabrus rupestris Goldsinny-wrasse Labridae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.6 native
Cyprinus carpio Common carp Cyprinidae benthopelagic 120.0 TL 3.4 native
Dactylopterus volitans Flying gurnard Dactylopteridae reef-associated 50.0 SL 3.7 native
Dasyatis pastinaca Common stingray Dasyatidae demersal 69.5 WD 4.1 native
Dentex dentex Common dentex Sparidae benthopelagic 100.0 TL 4.5 native
Dentex macrophthalmus Large-eye dentex Sparidae benthopelagic 65.0 TL 3.5 native
Dicentrarchus labrax European seabass Moronidae demersal 103.0 TL 3.5 native
Diplecogaster bimaculata Two-spotted clingfish Gobiesocidae benthopelagic 6.0 SL 3.4 native
Diplecogaster euxinica Gobiesocidae benthopelagic 3.0 native
Diplodus annularis Annular seabream Sparidae benthopelagic 28.0 TL 3.1 native
Diplodus puntazzo Sharpsnout seabream Sparidae benthopelagic 60.0 TL 3.1 native
Diplodus sargus White seabream Sparidae demersal 45.0 TL 3.4 native
Diplodus vulgaris Common two-banded seabream Sparidae benthopelagic 45.0 TL 3.5 native
Dipturus batis Blue skate Rajidae demersal 285.0 TL 3.5 native
Engraulis encrasicolus European anchovy Engraulidae pelagic-neritic 20.0 SL 3.1 native
Epinephelus aeneus White grouper Epinephelidae demersal 120.0 TL 4.0 native
Epinephelus caninus Dogtooth grouper Epinephelidae demersal 164.0 TL 3.8 native
Epinephelus costae Goldblotch grouper Epinephelidae demersal 140.0 SL 3.9 native
Epinephelus marginatus Dusky grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 150.0 TL 4.1 native
Euthynnus alletteratus Little tunny Scombridae pelagic-oceanic 122.0 TL 4.3 native
Eutrigla gurnardus Grey gurnard Triglidae demersal 60.0 TL 3.9 native
Gaidropsarus biscayensis Mediterranean bigeye rockling Gaidropsaridae benthopelagic 40.0 TL 3.6 native
Gaidropsarus mediterraneus Shore rockling Gaidropsaridae demersal 50.0 TL 3.5 native
Galeus melastomus Blackmouth catshark Pentanchidae demersal 90.0 TL 4.2 native
Gasterosteus aculeatus Three-spined stickleback Gasterosteidae benthopelagic 11.0 TL 3.3 native
Gobius bucchichi Bucchich's goby Gobiidae demersal 10.0 TL 3.2 native
Gobius cobitis Giant goby Gobiidae demersal 15.7 TL 3.0 native
Gobius niger Black goby Gobiidae demersal 25.3 TL 3.3 native
Gobius ophiocephalus Grass goby Gobiidae demersal 29.9 TL 3.2 native
Gobius paganellus Rock goby Gobiidae demersal 13.0 TL 3.3 native
Gobius xanthocephalus Yellow-headed goby Gobiidae demersal 10.0 TL 3.2 native
Gymnammodytes cicerelus Mediterranean sand eel Ammodytidae demersal 17.0 TL 3.4 native
Gymnocephalus cernua Ruffe Percidae benthopelagic 25.0 TL 3.3 native
Gymnura altavela Spiny butterfly ray Gymnuridae demersal 400.0 WD 4.5 native
Hexanchus griseus Bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchidae bathydemersal 600.0 TL 4.5 native
Hippocampus guttulatus Long-snouted seahorse Syngnathidae demersal 21.5 SL 3.5 native
Hippocampus hippocampus Short snouted seahorse Syngnathidae demersal 15.0 TL 3.2 native
Huso huso Beluga Acipenseridae pelagic-neritic 800.0 TL 4.4 native
Knipowitschia cameliae Danube delta dwarf goby Gobiidae demersal 3.2 SL 3.3 native
Knipowitschia caucasica Caucasian dwarf goby Gobiidae demersal 5.0 TL 3.3 native
Labrus merula Brown wrasse Labridae reef-associated 45.0 SL 3.5 native
Labrus mixtus Cuckoo wrasse Labridae reef-associated 40.0 SL 3.9 native
Labrus viridis Labridae reef-associated 47.0 SL 3.9 native
Lagocephalus sceleratus Silver-cheeked toadfish Tetraodontidae reef-associated 110.0 TL 3.7 introduced
Lepadogaster candolii Connemarra clingfish Gobiesocidae demersal 7.5 SL 2.8 native
Lepadogaster lepadogaster Shore clingfish Gobiesocidae demersal 6.5 SL 3.1 native
Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed Centrarchidae benthopelagic 40.0 TL 3.3 introduced
Lichia amia Leerfish Carangidae pelagic-neritic 200.0 TL 4.5 native
Lophius budegassa Blackbellied angler Lophiidae bathydemersal 100.0 SL 4.4 native
Lophius piscatorius Angler Lophiidae bathydemersal 200.0 SL 4.4 native
Merlangius merlangus Whiting Gadidae benthopelagic 91.5 TL 4.4 native
Merluccius merluccius European hake Merlucciidae demersal 140.0 TL 4.5 native
Mesogobius batrachocephalus Knout goby Gobiidae demersal 35.0 SL 4.2 native
Microchirus variegatus Thickback sole Soleidae demersal 35.0 SL 3.3 native
Microlipophrys adriaticus Blenniidae demersal 5.0 TL 3.4 native
Mugil cephalus Flathead grey mullet Mugilidae benthopelagic 100.0 SL 2.5 native
Mullus barbatus Red mullet Mullidae demersal 38.2 TL 3.1 misidentification
Mullus ponticus Blunt-snouted mullet Mullidae demersal 21.9 TL 3.4 native
Mullus surmuletus Surmullet Mullidae demersal 40.0 SL 3.5 native
Mustelus asterias Starry smooth-hound Triakidae demersal 154.0 TL 3.6 native
Mustelus mustelus Smooth-hound Triakidae demersal 200.0 TL 4.3 native
Mycteroperca rubra Mottled grouper Epinephelidae demersal 144.0 TL 4.1 native
Naucrates ductor Pilotfish Carangidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 3.4 native
Neogobius fluviatilis Monkey goby Gobiidae benthopelagic 20.0 SL 3.4 native
Neogobius melanostomus Round goby Gobiidae demersal 35.0 TL 3.3 native
Nerophis ophidion Straightnose pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.5 native
Oblada melanurus Saddled seabream Sparidae benthopelagic 36.6 TL 3.4 native
Ophidion barbatum Snake blenny Ophidiidae demersal 25.4 TL 3.6 native
Ophidion rochei Ophidiidae demersal 3.6 native
Pagellus erythrinus Common pandora Sparidae benthopelagic 60.0 SL 3.5 native
Parablennius gattorugine Tompot blenny Blenniidae demersal 30.0 TL 2.7 native
Parablennius incognitus Blenniidae demersal 8.0 TL 2.7 native
Parablennius sanguinolentus Rusty blenny Blenniidae demersal 20.0 TL 2.8 native
Parablennius tentacularis Tentacled blenny Blenniidae demersal 15.0 TL 3.3 native
Parablennius zvonimiri Blenniidae demersal 7.0 TL 2.9 native
Pegusa lascaris Sand sole Soleidae demersal 40.0 SL 3.3 native
Pegusa nasuta Blackhand sole Soleidae demersal 21.7 TL 3.3 native
Pelecus cultratus Sichel Leuciscidae pelagic 60.0 TL 3.6 native
Percarina demidoffii Percarina Percidae benthopelagic 10.0 SL 3.5 native
Planiliza haematocheilus So-iuy mullet Mugilidae pelagic-neritic 80.0 TL 2.5 introduced
Platichthys flesus European flounder Pleuronectidae demersal 60.0 TL 3.3 native
Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish Pomatomidae pelagic-oceanic 130.0 TL 4.5 native
Pomatoschistus bathi Bath’s goby Gobiidae demersal 3.0 TL 3.3 native
Pomatoschistus marmoratus Marbled goby Gobiidae demersal 8.0 TL 3.3 native
Pomatoschistus minutus Sand goby Gobiidae demersal 11.0 TL 3.4 native
Ponticola eurycephalus Mushroom goby Gobiidae demersal 20.0 TL 3.5 native
Ponticola kessleri Bighead goby Gobiidae benthopelagic 22.0 TL 3.5 native
Ponticola platyrostris Flatsnout goby Gobiidae demersal 22.5 TL 3.6 native
Ponticola ratan Ratan goby Gobiidae demersal 20.0 TL 4.0 native
Ponticola syrman Syrman goby Gobiidae demersal 24.5 TL 3.4 native
Prionace glauca Blue shark Carcharhinidae pelagic-oceanic 400.0 TL 4.3 native
Proterorhinus marmoratus Tubenose goby Gobiidae demersal 11.5 TL 3.5 native
Proterorhinus semilunaris Western tubenose goby Gobiidae benthopelagic 9.0 SL 3.3 native
Pungitius platygaster Southern ninespine stickleback Gasterosteidae benthopelagic 6.0 SL 3.5 native
Raja clavata Thornback ray Rajidae demersal 139.0 TL 3.8 native
Salaria pavo Peacock blenny Blenniidae demersal 13.8 TL 2.0 native
Salmo labrax Black Sea salmon Salmonidae demersal 80.0 SL 3.7 native
Salmo trutta Sea trout Salmonidae pelagic-neritic 140.0 SL 3.4 native
Sarda sarda Atlantic bonito Scombridae pelagic-neritic 91.4 FL 4.2 native
Sardina pilchardus European pilchard Alosidae pelagic-neritic 27.5 SL 3.1 native
Sardinella aurita Round sardinella Dorosomatidae pelagic-neritic 41.0 TL 3.4 native
Sarpa salpa Salema Sparidae benthopelagic 51.0 SL 2.0 native
Sciaena umbra Brown meagre Sciaenidae demersal 70.0 TL 3.8 native
Scomber japonicus Chub mackerel Scombridae pelagic-neritic 64.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Scomber scombrus Atlantic mackerel Scombridae pelagic-neritic 60.0 FL 3.6 native
Scophthalmus maeoticus Black Sea turbot Scophthalmidae demersal 45.0 TL 4.0 native
Scophthalmus maximus Turbot Scophthalmidae demersal 100.0 SL 4.4 native
Scophthalmus rhombus Brill Scophthalmidae demersal 75.0 TL 4.4 native
Scorpaena notata Small red scorpionfish Scorpaenidae demersal 26.0 TL 3.7 native
Scorpaena porcus Black scorpionfish Scorpaenidae demersal 40.5 TL 3.9 native
Scorpaena scrofa Red scorpionfish Scorpaenidae demersal 50.0 TL 4.3 native
Scyliorhinus canicula Lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinidae demersal 100.0 TL 3.8 questionable
Serranus cabrilla Comber Serranidae demersal 40.0 SL 3.3 native
Serranus hepatus Brown comber Serranidae demersal 25.0 TL 3.5 native
Serranus scriba Painted comber Serranidae demersal 36.0 SL 3.8 native
Solea solea Common sole Soleidae demersal 70.0 SL 3.2 native
Sparus aurata Gilthead seabream Sparidae demersal 70.0 TL 3.7 native
Sphyraena sphyraena European barracuda Sphyraenidae pelagic-neritic 165.0 TL 4.0 native
Spicara flexuosum Sparidae demersal 23.2 TL 3.4 native
Spicara maena Blotched picarel Sparidae pelagic-neritic 25.0 SL 4.2 native
Spicara smaris Picarel Sparidae pelagic-neritic 24.2 TL 3.0 native
Spondyliosoma cantharus Black seabream Sparidae benthopelagic 60.0 SL 3.3 native
Sprattus sprattus European sprat Clupeidae pelagic-neritic 16.0 SL 3.0 native
Squalius cephalus Chub Leuciscidae benthopelagic 60.0 SL 2.7 native
Squalus acanthias Picked dogfish Squalidae bathydemersal 160.0 TL 4.4 native
Squalus blainville Longnose spurdog Squalidae demersal 121.6 TL 4.0 native
Squatina squatina Angelshark Squatinidae demersal 244.0 TL 4.1 native
Symphodus cinereus Grey wrasse Labridae demersal 16.0 TL 3.5 native
Symphodus mediterraneus Axillary wrasse Labridae demersal 18.0 SL 3.2 native
Symphodus melops Corkwing wrasse Labridae reef-associated 28.0 SL 3.4 native
Symphodus ocellatus Labridae reef-associated 18.5 TL 3.4 native
Symphodus roissali Five-spotted wrasse Labridae reef-associated 17.0 SL 3.5 native
Symphodus rostratus Sublet Labridae reef-associated 17.7 TL 3.4 native
Symphodus tinca East Atlantic peacock wrasse Labridae reef-associated 44.0 SL 3.3 native
Syngnathus abaster Black-striped pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 22.1 SL 3.2 native
Syngnathus acus Greater pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 50.0 TL 3.3 native
Syngnathus schmidti Syngnathidae pelagic 11.0 TL 3.0 native
Syngnathus tenuirostris Narrow-snouted pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 3.3 native
Syngnathus typhle Broadnosed pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 35.0 TL 4.3 native
Syngnathus variegatus Syngnathidae demersal 3.3 native
Thunnus alalunga Albacore Scombridae pelagic-oceanic 140.0 FL 4.3 native
Thunnus thynnus Atlantic bluefin tuna Scombridae pelagic-oceanic 458.0 TL 4.4 native
Tinca tinca Tench Tincidae demersal 70.0 SL 2.8 native
Torpedo marmorata Marbled electric ray Torpedinidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 4.6 native
Trachinus draco Greater weever Trachinidae demersal 53.0 TL 4.2 native
Trachurus mediterraneus Mediterranean horse mackerel Carangidae pelagic-oceanic 60.0 FL 3.8 native
Trachurus trachurus Atlantic horse mackerel Carangidae pelagic-neritic 70.0 TL 3.7 native
Tripterygion tripteronotum Tripterygiidae demersal 8.0 TL 3.4 native
Umbrina cirrosa Shi drum Sciaenidae demersal 104.0 TL 3.4 native
Uranoscopus scaber Stargazer Uranoscopidae demersal 56.4 TL 4.4 native
Xiphias gladius Swordfish Xiphiidae pelagic-oceanic 455.0 FL 4.5 native
Zeus faber John dory Zeidae benthopelagic 90.0 TL 4.5 native
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