Morfologiska data för Schilbe uranoscopus
Main Ref. De Vos, L., 2003
Utseende refererar till
Bones in OsteoBase


specialiserade organ
annat utseende
andra färger

Karaktäristiska egenskaper hos juveniler och adulter

Särskilt slående egenskaper
Lateral kroppsform fusiform / normal
Tvärsnitt compressed
Dorsal profil av huvudet
Typ av mun/snyte
Munnens placering
Type of scales

Diagnosis: 13-16 gill rakers on lower limb of first gill arch; 57-75 branched anal-fin rays; eyes positioned dorso-laterally; adipose fin always absent (Ref. 43912, 57127, 81643). Often with a post-occipital hump, a character also sometimes found in Schilbe intermedius whose head profile is extremely variable (Ref. 57127, 81643). Posterior nostrils closer to each other than are anterior ones; nasal barbel at maximum reaching to midway between eye and opercle, but generally shorter; inner side of pectoral spine feebly serrated (Ref. 43912).

Description: 50-57 vertebrae, 45-52 non-fused vertebrae; 8-10 branchiostegal rays on one side of head; caudal peduncle generally deeper than long, in some cases as long as or slightly longer than deep; nasal barbel reaches at maximum to midway between eye and opercle but in larger specimens it is much shorter and does not even reach beyond orbit; maxillary barbel reaches at least to middle of eye and at maximum to posterior border of opercle; inner mandibular barbel short and reaches at maximum to just beyond orbit; outer mandibular barbels reach at least to midway between eye and opercle and at maximum to posterior border of opercle; in many specimens upper profile of head nearly horizontal and nape ascends very abruptly from occiput to dorsal fin, thereby forming a well-defined hump (Ref. 43912). Schilbe uranoscopus is closely related to S. intermedius from which it can be distinguished by the higher number of gill rakers on the lower part of the anterior arch (13-16 against 7-14 in S. intermedius), the higher number of branched anal fin rays (57-75 versus 41-66 in S. intermedius) and by the supero-lateral position of the eyes (Ref. 43912).

Coloration: Juveniles: sides more or less silvery, head and postcephalic area irregularly mottled (Ref. 43912, 57127, 81643) as well as sides, just behind opercle (Ref. 43912). In adults, head and back, as well as all fin-bases, dark brown; sides yellowish or whitish; anal fin sometimes black-edged (Ref. 43912, 57127, 81643). Dark blotch present behind head, where swimbladder comes close under skin; brown median stripe may be present along caudal peduncle (Ref. 43912).

Ease of Identification

Meristiska karaktäristika för Schilbe uranoscopus

Sidolinjer avbruten: No
Fjäll längs sidolinje
Porbärande fjäll längs sidolinje
Fjäll i lateralserie
Antal rader fjäll ovan sidolinje
Antal rader fjäll under sidolinje
Fjäll runt stjärtfensspole
Skäggtömmar 8
Gälspringor (endast hos hajar/rockor)
på undre del av gälbåge 13 - 16
på övre del av gälbåge 3 - 7
totalt 50 - 57



Egenskaper no striking attributes
Antal fenor 1
Antal småfenor Dorsal   0
Ventral  0
Totalt antal hårda fenstrålar 1
Totalt antal mjuka fenstrålar
Fettfena absent


Egenskaper forked; more or less normal


Antal fenor 1
Totalt antal hårda fenstrålar
Totalt antal mjuka fenstrålar 59 - 73

Pariga fenor

Bröstfena Egenskaper  more or less normal
Fenstrålar hårda     1
Fenstrålar mjuka   9 - 11
Bukfenor Egenskaper  more or less normal
Position    abdominal  beneath origin of D1
Fenstrålar hårda     
Fenstrålar mjuka   6
Main Ref. (t.ex. 9948)
Ordlista ( t.ex. cephalopods )
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